What do you know about Caesar Law?

What do you know about Caesar Law?

Caesar is an American economic sanctions Law. U.S. President Donald Trump signed this bill to become law in late 2019. This law put into practice on June 2020 for a period of five years after its effective date.

The Law gets its name from the alias of a Syrian defector in 2013 who leaked 55,000 photographs of 11,000 prisoners who were killed by torture in Assad regime prisons.

This law aims:

  1. Using economic sanctions to force the Syrian Regime to stop his attacks and protect civilians.
  2. Supporting the transition to a Syrian government that respects Law and Human Rights.

Sanctions include the support of the following sectors:

  1. Military and Security.
  2. Oil and Gas industry and Aircrafts parts.

Sanctions target individuals and Syrians, foreign and government entities (Iran & Russia) who provide funding or assistance to the Syrian Regime of the mentioned sectors and persons who are responsible for Human Rights Violations.

  • Sanctions Suspension:

Caesar Law outlines seven requirements to lift U.S. sanctions on Syria:

  • End to Syrian and Russian aircraft bombing civilians.
  • No restrict humanitarian access to the besieged areas from the regime.
  • All political prisoners are released.
  • Bombing of “medical facilities, schools, residential areas, and community gathering places, by Syrian, Russian, Iranian forces, as well as entities connected to them, ceases.
  • Commitment to the Treaty on the Prohibition of the use and destruction of Chemical Weapons.
  • The possibility for the “safe, voluntary, and dignified return of Syrians displaced by the conflict” is achieved.
  • Accountability for “perpetrators of war crimes in Syria and bring them to justice.


  • Excluded from the Law Application

International institutions and non-governmental organizations that provide humanitarian assistance per to international standards.


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