Consulting Aid

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What We Do
Scope of Work

[service_box style=”style-center style-above” icon_type=”typicons” title=”Governance and Institutional Development” desc=”” extra_class=”mb0″ icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-shopping-bag”]
[service_box style=”style-center style-above” icon_type=”typicons” title=”Local Economy Development” desc=”” extra_class=”mb0″ icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-chart-bar-outline”]
[service_box style=”style-center style-above” icon_type=”typicons” title=”Essential Services through Local Providers” desc=”” extra_class=”mb0″ icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-input-checked”]
[service_box style=”style-center style-above” icon_type=”typicons” title=”Community Development” desc=”” extra_class=”mb0″ icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-starburst”]
[service_box style=”style-center style-above” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-female” title=”Women Empowerment” desc=”” extra_class=”mb0″]

About Us

Who We Are

The Local Development Organization, also known as LDO is a non-profit, non-political civil society organization focused on supporting Local Administration, municipalities and communities. LDO organization is registered in Turkey and has its head office in Gaziantep- Turkey, with three active offices inside Syria- in Aleppo, Rural Damascus and Dara’a.

The Local Development Organization’s Advisory Board Members, specialized in various fields including public administration, local economy, strategic planning, institutional and community development.

Our Latest Work

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About Us

About Syria

The crisis in Syria has created the worst humanitarian catastrophe of our time, and with the crisis in its seventh-year the Syrian people are still seeking a dignified life and a better future but are struggling to barely survive. Despite all the grief, the pain and deprivation that the Syrians have been subjected to for decades, they are now having to make enormous sacrifices and take huge risks to adapt to the changes needed in order to meet for their families and communities most basic needs, in keeping with their cultural traditions.